Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pillow Food Fight!!!

These pillows by Just Kidding are fantastic! I can't even pick a favorite out of them all so I decided to share a mix of them with you. They are available @ Woodlands this round and I can't wait to get my hands on all of the other great things there! This summer outfit from Little Nerds has some of the cutest shorts I have come across lately and they match my Turducken sandals perfectly! I am sure I will be shopping and blogging my little butt of in the next couple days with a new round events starting so here are all the details and see ya soon!

Skin: jk: Emma Skin & Shape
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Lottie [Non-rigged]
Outfit: [Little Nerds] I See You Noticed... Outfit - Toddleedoo
Binky: jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Unicorn Sprinkles 
Pillows: jk: Pillow Noms  (Holding Sushi in background Taco, PBJ Peanutbutter RARE, Donut Blue and Pink RARE, Apple, Corn, Icecream Sammich, Burger, Cupcake) @ Woodland
Ring: .trinket. fox silhouette ring - silver @ Woodland (april round)
Glasses: {Sleepy Eddy} Boston Glasses (Black)
Knee BooBoos: jk: Ouchies and Oopsies TD APPLIER- Bloody Princess Bandaids
Shoes: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Ruffle Gladiator Sandal - Multi Pastel 
Pose: .click. Tude 1
Bracelet: {k} Mylo - Bracelets (R)&(L)

Peace and Happiness

Lbm has created yet another unique and delightful outfit (complete with glasses shoes belt and necklace) and I have been trying to get on and share it with you all! I love the whole outfit for everyday but it is also great for a theme'd event or playing dress up with your friends.These hands from Cute Bytes went perfect with the whole hippy feel of this outfit and they have a hud to change your hands to have different poses. It adds a more realistic feel to our little mesh bodies and is great for pictures.

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Elyse -  browns
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B
Outfit: .:LBM:. Hippy Outfit
Tongue: Ohmai Emporium: Every Flavored Bean (Sugar)
Hand Pose: **Cute Bytes** ToddleeDoo HandPoses
Pose: Avande - Peace (FREE)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Relay for Life @ Knuckleheads

So I came across this cute little store called Knuckleheads and wanted to share some of these cute items. This watch is so adorable and goes with so much in my inventory. Yay accessories!! Ok so onto the outfit itself.. Its only 100L comes with the sneakers as well and all proceeds go to the Relay for Life Charity which is a great cause to spend your Linden on :D Ooh and how exciting is it that these magical little wings from Cute Bytes match up with the angel on the outfit!? Ok as much as I would like to say more I'm cutting this short due to RL family visiting but come tomorrow I plan to have a couple blog posts in the works. See you soon and happy shopping!

Skin:  jk: Eleri Skin
Eyes: :*BABY*: Dolly EYES {Blue}
Hair: Magika [Hair Un-rigged] Little
Outfit: {kh}Relay For Life Outfit
Glasses: {Sleepy Eddy} Boston Glasses (Black)
Binky: Sweet Baby - Pacifier 6 colors - MESH - MD2 - V2.0 SMALL
Watch: {kh} Strawberry Cheer Time
Wings: **Cute Bytes** Pixie Wings - Princess
Knee Bandaids: :: Little Mint :: Bandaged Knees

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Singing in the rain with froggies!

Mom tries to dress me all nice with this adorable dress we got at LBM for Fifty Linden Friday and what do I do? Go and play in the garden in the rain! Well at least I caught her a cute little frog as an I'm sorry present

Hair: (Chemistry) Hair - Buttons 2 w side bangs (Not Rigged)
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B
Outfit: .:LBM:. Vintage Dress
Dirty Knees:  jk: Ouchies & Oopsies - TD - Muddy Knees RARE @ Woodland
Nose Bandaid: Nose Bandaid: Malizz Yiyuan *Sparadrap
Props: .:LBM:. Rainy Day Prank Kit

Skating off to lunch!

  This whole outfit from head to toe makes me want to do a happy dance! First the hair.. a new release from Truth is absolutely fabulous for us TD avis. Its rare to find a longer hair that works so well. Now lets talk about this cute lunch box from Boogers. It comes from a new gacha and is filled with different lunch boxes and trapper keepers. I love them all and at only 25L a go whats to stop me from collecting them all :)! This cute tank is also a Gacha and can be found at Pix 'N' Mix for just 10L!!  Ok one last thing before  I give you all the details..Woodland is coming to an end soon so if you haven't by now you need to hurry and get your very own skateboard from Snips and Snails before its too late!

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Elyse
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B
Eyes: :*BABY*: Dolly Eyes {Blue}
Shirt: [PP] Rainbow Unicorn Tank Top Baby RARE
Shorts: Cn; Yellow pastel Short B
Glasses: {Sleepy Eddy} Boston Glasses (Black)
Shoes: bC - Red Strappy Sandals - @ Woodlands
Binky: jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Daddy's Little Cupcake
Skateboard: .S&S. Cruiser Board - Purple @ Woodlands
Lunchbox: <:*BoOgErS*:> Lunchbox Blue Stripe

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cute Kawaii Animals!

First I would like to say Happy Easter! Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all. He was more than good to me!
Anyway on the the outfit. Not an Easter outfit but its cute and I wanted to share it.. Comic Nerdz has been coming out with tons of great things and when I saw this shirt/dress I had to have it. I am a sucker for kawaii stuff its just adorable! Definitely go check out the shop they have tons for boys and girls.
Sooo how precious is this skin?  Jk just released it. Its called Emma and it has an innocence to it that we all look for in kids skin.
I just love this whole outfit!

Skin: jk: Emma Skin - Sunlit (Brown Brow)
Hair: [LOVE SOUL] Hair*131*Bitter Brown
Dress: Cn; Kawaii dress baby
Leggings: Little Closet - Knit Polka Dot Leggings - Blush
Binky: {C*K} Lalafant Paci *Sky* (old gacha item may not be available on mp)
Teeth (2nd  picture): [PXL] OpenMouth Pro v2.0 with [PXL] OpenMouth Pro Expansion: BabyTeeth
Shoes: :*BABY*: CandyPoP Sneakers

Friday, April 18, 2014

Loving FLF!

 Gotta keep this short and sweet but I wanted to share this adorable outfit from Baby Pie and its only 50L!! It comes in 3 different designs and at the price who could resist getting. Hurry up and get yours before this deal is gone!

Hair: -LaViere- Miki/SoftCaramel
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B
Outfit: *Baby Pie* Gaby - Colorblock - TD Complete Outfit- Custom Mesh
Necklace: .:LBM:. Ray of Happiness Stone Pendant Necklace (part of 50l friday outfit)
Binky: jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Moon and Stars
Clutch: [RI] Clutch your Bunny (Green) @ Woodlands

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Peep Peep

OMGOSH! These little chicks from Little Big Me are so lovable and can be found at The Easter Festival which is full of great Spring and Easter items. I totally love this outfit the necklace and shoes are included and get this.. its a 50L Friday special (out tomorrow)! Definitely don't pass up this cute bargain. One more thing I would like to talk about is this bumble bee.. Don't you just want to cuddle him!? I do! Ok lets get to the details..

Hair: (Chemistry) Hair - Buttons 2
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B
Outfit: .:LBM:. Little Ray of Happiness Outfit
Baby Chicks: .:LBM:. Baby Chicky, Sir Baby Chick, Hatchling Chicky, & Princess Squeek @ The Easter Festival
Binky: jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Moon and Stars
Bee: *MishMish* A Bumblebee Friend [Boxed]
Walkie Talkie: floorplan. walkie talkie / yellow

Surprised Hatchling!

 What little kid wouldn't want to eat his/her way into this chocolate egg!? Not only is it funny and delicious looking it comes with 5 different poses and color options for the Easter grass/straw. I'm always excited to see what prizes are available through the RubyO'Rama game at Cute Bytes. If you aren't familiar with it you really need to go give it a shot. All you do is wear the hud provided to you when you click on the Prize Boards in the front of the store and then run and click on rubies you find until you have enough. It's great to pass the time and you get amazing items for free.. Have fun playing I know I did! :)

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Lottie -  browns
Skin: .Birdy. Maisie Skin ~Pure~ (Bare) VIP gift
Red Nose: jk: Ouchies & Oopsies - Ruddy Nose @ Woodlands
Chocolate Egg: **Cute Bytes** Baby inna Egg - Easter Choco Egg (available with 90 Rubies in RubyO'Rama game)
Shirt: Minuet - Pink Striped Tank Top - BABY
Shoes: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Ruffle Gladiator Sandals - Multi Pastels

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let's Explore!

Well I have been exploring different picture layouts as you can see...and this outfit is for the explorer in all of us! Lil Big Me is coming out with this cute outfit for Toddlee-Rama weekend sale! So hold onto your allowance until this weekend cause this outfit is too cute not to have! It comes with these lovely sandals and the compass necklace to help you find your way. I get so excited when outfits come with accessories especially ones that are this adorable! Enjoy :)

Hair: .ploom. Alexis - Indecisive
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B - Brown Brows
Outfit: .:LBM:. Vintage Explorer Outfit @ Toddlee-Rama
Binky: jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Pirate
Bracelet: **Cute Bytes** My PearLet Bracelet - 13 L
Muddy Knees: jk: Ouchies & Oopsies - TD - Muddy Knees RARE

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nerdy Awesomeness!

 Sometimes you have to organize your inventory and you dread it because it is a MESS.. But there is an upside and it's finding those great items that you bought awhile ago on a shopping spree or while half asleep :P (I think we have all been there) So this post will have some new and some not so new things that I love and have been meaning to blog. Since I finally had time to tackle the monster that is my inventory lets get to it!

Hair: -LaViere- Heidi/Black
Skin: jk: Eleri Skin
Eyes: [Anara] Gloss Eyes- Mixed Blue
Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO Teeth v2.0 (with Baby Teeth Exansion)
Outfit: [Little Nerds] Just Awesome Outfit - Toddleedoo
Bracelet: .Olive. the Sort Me Bracelet - Raven/Silver
Necklace: Noodles - Mad Man's Box Necklace
Bubbles: LK ~ Wonder Bubbles (blue)
Knee Bandaids: :: Little Mint :: Bandaged Knees (wear this)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feeling Artsy

I love love love this new skin from Just Kidding! The baby Nikki skin is pure and perfect for a kid avi. And we all know how hard it can be sometimes to find a skin just for kids. I added some freckles but its just as cute without them. Also loving his bag a Rare Gacha item from Oh la la @ The Chapter Four. I'm ready to go paint the walls and whatever else I can get my little hands on! Marmelade released this cute little pull along toy which not only has different options to choose from pig, cat, chicken, dog or elephant but a hold pose and one u pull behind you. Well lets get to the details shall we...

Hair: Magika [Hair Un-rigged] Little
Skin: jk: Baby Nikki Skin - Tone B - Brown Brows
Freckles: [PF] <Lt.Tones> - Freckles Across Nose (dk) part of [PF] Harley skin
Mouth/Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth Pro v2.0 with [PXL] OpenMouth Pro Expansion: BabyTeeth
Bracelet: .trinket. bicycle bracelet - silver (thicker) Family Flea Market
Ring: .trinket. fox silhouette ring - silver @ Woodland Gacha
Outfit: jkb: Free Spirit - Blue Pattern @ Family Flea Market
Shoes: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Ruffle Gladiator Sandal - Blue
Bag: Oh La La :: Art Bag:: (b) RARE @ The Chapter Four
Doggy: Marmelade - Pull Along Friend - Polux The Doggy @ Fiction & Fables

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Library on wheels!

So as we all know events are in full bloom just like the flowers are in spring.  Birdy/Alchemy has been putting out adorable critters lately and this lil nutty guy is one of them he can be found at The Chapter Four. There is more from Chapter Four that I plan to blog but for now this will have to do :)

Hair: [LeLutka]-SATO hair/Naturals
Skin: .Birdy. Maisie Skin VIP gift <3
Outfit: bC - Hearts - TD @ Woodlands
Mouth/Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth Pro v2.0 with [PXL] OpenMouth Pro Expansion: BabyTeeth
Shoes: bC - Red Sandal - TD @ Woodlands
Truck: -Marmelade- Library Truck @ Family Flea Market
Squirrel: Birdy/Alchemy -Forest Babies  - Squirrel - Red @ The Chapter Four

Monday, April 7, 2014

Playing in the garden..

So many great sales and events this month.. my inventory is jam packed with new cute items to show off. Family Flea Market is one of the events I was very excited for and I'm just as excited to share some of the things I got there so I am gunna make this short and sweet and get right to it!

Hair: .ploom. Hart - Indecisive
Skin: .Birdy. Maisie Skin VIP gift <3
Eyes: .tsg. Luminate - Silver
Muddy Face- jk Ouchie's and Oopies - Muddy Face  Woodlands Gacha 
Shirt: Sugar & Spice baggy tank robot love
Pants: Sugar & Spice jeans brown
Shoes: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Ruffle Gladiator Sandal - Blue R
Binky: jk Cute Paci's Gatcha - Milk Junkie 
Bracelet: .trinket. bicycle bracelet - silver (thicker) @ Family Flea Market
Piggy: Little Closet - McCheesy The Pig @ Family Flea Market
Sloth: .dl. // Sunshine the sloth @ Family Flea Market
Pose/Treestump Prop: Little Moments-Feeling Buggy @ Family Flea Market

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pastel Cutie

Cutie Moon Fair is here and is filled with stuff for all you sailor moon lovers. Even if you aren't a sailor moon fan this fair is packed with cute items so stop by and take a look.  Easter and these colorful must have shoes from D&D at the Woodland Gacha has me inspired with all the pastel colors. I love when an outfit just comes together like this one has :)

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Lottie [Non-rigged]
Hair Clip: ~_* Cooties  *_~ Heart Silver Clip  @ Cutie Moon Fair
Skin: .Birdy. Maisie Skin VIP gift <3
Binky:  jk: Cute Paci's Gatcha - Unicorn Sprinkles
Book: Frogstar - LIAGBG (Princess Ed.) #13 Fairy Godmother @ Fit for a Princess Event
Necklace: LPB - Glitter Baby Owly Necklace 3 (@ last woodland event)
Shirt: Minuet - Princess Tee - Carriage  - BABY
Shorts: Little Closet - Stone Wash Denim Shorts BABY
Backpack:  ~_* Cooties  *_~ White Glitter StarMaker BackPack @ Cutie Moon Fair
Bracelets: {k} Ally Bracelets (part of the Ally outfit)
Nose Bandaid: Malizz Yiyuan *Sparadrap
Leg Bandaids: :: Little Mint :: Bandaged Knees
Shoes: {D&D} Winged Street Sneaker Rainbow RARE @ Woodland

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bunny Foo Foo

Woodland Gacha Event starts today and it looks like The Easter Bunny visited sl early with all these goodies!! The purple egg is from Boogers and is great as a decoration or you can wear it. Speaking of eggs how cute is the bunny in the cracked egg.. my Mommy surprised me with him as an Easter gift and I just wanna snuggle him forever!!! The Just Kidding gacha machine is filled with necessities for kid avi's.. scrapes, boo boos and everything that goes with being a toddler. I must have them alllll! There are tons of other great items at Woodland so grab your baskets and hop on down!


Hair:[LOVE SOUL] Hair*131*Bitter Brown
Skin: .Birdy. Maisie Skin VIP gift <3
Eyes: .tsg. Luminate - Silver

Red Nose: jk: Ouchie's and Oopies - Ruddy Nose @ Woodland
Bow: {Babysteps} Bunny Big Bow (Blue) COMMON @ Woodland
Binky: {C*K} Lalafant Paci *Sky*
Dress: {Babysteps} Blue Bunny Dress COMMON @ Woodland
Egg in Hand:  [SC] ~Egg~  @ Woodland
Muddy Knees: jk: Ouchies & Oopsies - TD - Muddy Knees RARE @ Woodland
Bunny in Egg: *SF*  Bunny in egg docoration gray small
Egg Shell: <:*BoOgErS*:> Egg Outfit Purple @ Woodland
Box of goodies: *. emm ; boxed goodies @ Woodland
Cookie Jar: *. emm ; gary cookie jar @ Woodland